

  • 陈晓怡
  • 内详

  • 美国剧



  • 2003




1)AlisonShe controls the last three evictions. She has won the most comps in this season. When her game is really in danger, she manipulates Nathan to use the veto on her.2)JunJun plays a less hated game. Jun uses cooking as her strategy to go under the radar for the first few weeks. When people began to realize she's sneaky, she allied herself with Jack, Erika and Alison.3)RobertRobert indeed is a sexist. He is the only HG to be allied with his ex and wants to carry Erika to the Final Two. The fact that he's not the strongest of the Dream Team makes him fly under the radar for a very long time.4)JeeJee is the first HG to win HoH for two times in this season. He allied himself with Jun, but got played later in the game. He wouldn't have been evicted the following week if he didn't win that veto and let everyone eat PB&J.5)JustinJustin is the leader of the Dream Team and he got evicted too early! He's got a great social game. I was super disappointed when I discovered he didn't do the All-star season.6)DanaDana is the first one to betray the Elite 8. She at least got the gut to make this decision. 7)ErikaErika doesn't do much in this season. But she's an honest player and doesn't lie much in this season. Her gameplay is clean.8)NathanOh, my poor Nate! He really shouldn't have used that PoV on Alison. 9)JackHe's in FBI, but he couldn't read Alison's mind. ?10)DavidHe's loyal to Elite 8, but Dana had to name a replacement nominee from the OG alliance.11)MicheleShe got blindsided by Elite 8, poor girl.12)AmandaFirst sex in Big Brother history! At least she broke a record!